Student Life » Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular Activities


During the regular school day, the Administration understands that while assisting in the development of the whole child, there are many ways to promote academic growth and pique interests while exposing students to new and different activities. SHS offers participation in a variety of activities and events during the school day:     

Fourth and fifth graders participate in a liturgy with eldest students from all of the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Corpus Christi at the Corpus Christi Cathedral. Opportunities to sing in the choir, read as a lector, and represent the School exist.
On or near October 4, families bring their pets to School where the Pastor conducts a blessing for the good of all animals.
Teachers plan field trips to the ballet, museums, King High School Observatory, missions in Goliad, Texas State Aquarium, and others in order to further the lessons taught in the classroom and/or to expose students to places that are new and significant areas of interest. As a safety factor, teachers do not plan field trips until they feel they can trust their students to heed instructions that will keep students safe.
Students are reminded that they need to take care of the bodies the Lord gave them and learn to stay away from harmful drugs or substances. Dress up days, wearing of inspirational stickers, and the recitation of the pledge to stay away from drugs is incorporated into this week.
First graders choose saints they wish to study, and then present themselves as those saints dressed in period costumes at the All Saints 'Day Mass.
Students attend the local memorial celebration honoring U.S. veterans at Memorial Park as schedules permit.
All are asked to bring non-perishable foods so that these things can be donated to the St. Vincent de Paul Society's Food Bank. There is a special Mass with a blessing for the gifts.
SHS families are invited to come enjoy Thanksgiving lunch with their children and celebrate the many blessings all possess. Adults are expected to order and pay for their meals.
 All students participate in a stage production that is put on for the parents and community. The youngest students sing Christmas Carols. Then the 1st-5th graders portray characters in the events leading up to the birth of Jesus. There are many Christmas songs and the oldest students sing solos.

During this week, students, families, and staff celebrate the ideals and values of Catholic Schools across America. Each day brings a specific activity whereby all can participate:


  • Sunday - All School Mass at 10:30am at the Church. Students do the readings and lead the songs.
  • Monday - Religion Bowl (competition between two teams of students made up of students from 5-yr olds-5th)
    • Lunch Visitations for parents with their 3-yr, 4-yr, and 5-yr old students
  • Tuesday - Spelling Bee (students compete individually)
    • Lunch Visitations for parents with their 1st & 2nd grade students
  • Wednesday - "Hats Off to Catholic Education" Day when students may wear hats to school for cheer.
    • Lunch Visitations for parents with their 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students.
    • Baby Shower for the Gabriel Project & all items are donated for mothers/babies in need.
  • Thursday - Grandparents Day when grandparents may visit classrooms 9am-11am.
  • Friday - Appreciation Mass & Breakfast for volunteers and benefactors
    • Student Talent Show students audition to participate as singers, dancers, magicians, etc.
Every other year, Aransas County participates at the State Capital, in the celebration of this county. A fifth-grade student is invited to attend with his/her parent; SHS pays the expenses.
Police, firefighters, State Deputies, Game Wardens, and emergency medical crews come to the school for a day of teaching the students ways to be safe and information about their occupations.
The oldest students portray the last hours of Jesus' life beginning on Holy Thursday through Christ's death and resurrection for the younger students, parents, and community.
Each year our student and teachers celebrate the hard work, the lessons, and the learning they've done with a day of FUN!! This day is full of face painting, water squirting, competing in games, getting wet and wetter, and culminates in a dance party! Plenty of fun food with roasted hot dogs, watermelon, corn on the cob, and even KONA Cones for dessert!

After School Classes and Clubs

After the regular school day, SHS also continues to promote and provide activities depending upon the availability of sponsors/instructors. These may or may not have fees associated with them: We've had Chess, Gardening, Math Club, Drama, Drum Corps, Sewing, Cooking, and more.

Every other year, the fourth and fifth grade students are invited to attend this 3-day/2-night camp at Lake LBJ in Marble Falls. Various learning experiences include kayaking, water quality studies, team building, etc. Parents pay a portion of the expense & fundraisers subsidize the rest.


Students in a particular grade level meet after school once a week for a period of time to explore and solve problems using Science/Technology/Religion/Engineering /Art/Math. Fee. (when staffing permits)
On the first Saturday in March, the town of Fulton has a parade. The School parents decorate a float and students participate by riding the float, on the bus, or walking as the color guard.